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Z. , .MMMMMMZMO.M,.... .MM$. .NMMM .MMMMMMMMMMMMMM ,MM. . MMMMMMMMMMMMMM. .DMMN~ ..DMMMO .~MMMMMMMMMMMMM+. 7 MO 8 8ZZ+ MMMMMMMMO .DMMMMZ,... .?DMMMMM+ MMMM MMMMMMMM M. MZ .M M MMMMMZM+MM . +NMMMMMMMMMMOI~....,+DMMMMMMMMMO MMM . . MMMMMMMMM MMM.MM MMM..MMMMMM MMMMM . ..~DMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM? MM. MMMMMMMMM Z MMMMMMMMMMMM. .O MM MMMMMM. . MMMM. . . ,+DMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM?. .ZMMM MM+ MMMMMMMMMMMMMM..MMMMMMMMM .MMM=M+ M+ ........ .Z M.... MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM.. + MMMM M .MMMMMMMMMMM+ M+IM?N ZOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM$MMMMMM MZMMM .. NMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ..Z.MM. ..MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ......... +++++=. . Deep Lake Records WEB....... EMAIL..... FACEBOOK.. ####################################################################################################################################### Not The Elephant Santiago, Chile. Andrés, Felipe, Tomas, Sebastian. Lyrics: +01 - Below Blue Sky Stay there I’m still inside Of your eyes Your broken smile Can you see it? It makes no sense When you turn around and it takes all away All away... And suddenly that sound appears to be inside You got locked up again Yeah it’s unfair And nobody cares Not even yourself Everything’s fucked up, crooked and still Nobody said it was easy Will you stand there below your blue? Nothing more than gripping wires Nothing more than frightened bones Now I’ve done the same I’ve lost again I can’t find me Between all the voices Between all this noises Show me the next exit to regret +02 - When You Said Change, You Didn't Really Mean It Right? (Israel) I’m the man of the other side of the mirror I will posses you too You’re gonna be forgotten You need to rip your heart out Now I feel alive, I don’t care what you think Now I feel alive, I don’t care if you bleed I’m gonna drink the poison I’m gonna leave your heart And I’m gonna leave you dry When I look at you, you are not the same I’ve drink the poison, I’m not the same What you’re gonna do when we come for you? We will drain your veins and we will drain your eyes I’ve done this a million times I’m really ashamed of my acts But I’m gonna leave you dry When I look at you, you are not the same I’ve drink the poison, I’m not the same I’m not the same... Anymore... I’m gonna leave you dry When I look at you, you are not the same I’ve drink the poisson, I’m not the same +03 - Broken Sky The sky is turning red now The cold is coming to get you The sky is turning red now The cold is coming to get you Welcome to our town Where the dreams are falling apart Can you feel our wonderful joylessness? Do you wanna feel the same? Let’s take everything we can Let’s burn everything we can The sky soon will be grey No heart and no regrets It’s alright sweetheart we can fake it It’s alright sweetheart I’m in love It’s alright, we can fake it It’s alright, oh Have you been in the broken sky? Where everybody is full of emptiness and dust We are in the broken sky Everybody is full of emptiness and dust Meet me in the broken sky Don’t look back, just relax The sky is turning red now The cold is coming to get you The sky is turning red now The cold is coming for you Your red eyes are talking The vultures are choking Your heart is broken So it is mine I feel quite empty now I’ve already made my choice The doors will be closed for me I won’t look at the devil’s eyes I refuse to be like them baby I wasn’t born just to die Now you’re finally here Everything’s like it’s supposed to be Oh babe old me tight ‘Cause this fucking trip it’s gonna be hard. +04 - Do It Where you wanna be tonight? Do you wanna be with me? Come on honey There’s no one watching us right now Don’t be afraid ‘Cause I’m too scared Where you wanna be tonight? Do you wanna be with me? Come on honey There’s no one watching us right now Only you can help me now Can you give me your love? Or just a pinch perhaps? Promise, I wont go mad I’m looking for some salvation Do you wanna do it with me? I don’t wanna sell my soul tonight I don’t wanna sell my soul tonight Let’s get out of here To the confines of somewhere Let’s forget about everything And kill the demons in our heads. Don’t be afraid ‘Cause I’m too scared Where you wanna be tonight? Do you wanna be with me? Come on honey There’s no one watching us right now +05 - The Victim The book is a permanent loan Your touch is a cut through their bond I did talk with my words Should I keep them to myself? The endless echoes are still alive Your voice seems to beat me from the inside You go backwards again, oh We are your toys yeah... Trying to go back From your rusty wishes Just ashes on the ground Like she told you Like she told you Erase your bright eyes Speechless again for a while My sentence is to tell you Like every time I told you Like every time I told you He’s willing to obey ‘Cause their pressure is afraid The color is fading away Sedated by their gaze It’s consuming you You should’ve been on their way Sew your words to your chest And don’t forget who you are Erase your bright eyes Speechless again for a while My sentence is to tell you Like every time I told you Like every time I told you Contacts: